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Showing posts from 2010

Thumbnails from Images that are linked already uploaded to the CMS

<% ' make sure WYSIWYG images don't get too wide using upload.asp value = content.item("_cmsUploadValue") debug.write(value) ext=filename.getextension(content.item("_cmsUploadValue")) ' create a medium size thumbnail if ext="gif" or ext="jpg" then res = image.thumbnail(value, "", 20, 20) if res = "" then content.add "_cmsError", image.errorMsg exit Sub end if content.add "upload#my_photo", res end if %> Then in the post_input.asp we would have the code that would be used to create thumbnails from images that are linked: <% value = asset.getAbsoluteName(content.item("my_photo")) debug.write(value) 'Process only if selected asset has been uploaded to the /Assets/ folder in the CMS if instr(value, "/Assets/") > 0 then value = "/ChemicalHeritage/ftproot" & value ih = image.load(value) if ih <0 then content.add "_cmsError", image.errorMsg

Questions about Outages

Routine CMS maintentance windows are from 6pm - 7pm, every Monday and Wednesday. Generally, the system is still available during these times, but may be unavailable for a few minutes during that period. There are other times where maintenance must be performed outside these windows due to unforeseen circumstances. We aim to provide as much notice as possible for these events, typically via email and via an alert on the login page. The routine maintenance is also mentioned on the login page on the day of maintenance.