If you are going to put a panel within the first tab of the Tabbed panel there are no special requirements you need to take. However, if you put the panel within the second tab, it needs to be hidden from view initially. To do this: <% input.startTabbedPanel "Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3" %> <% input nextTabbedPanel %> <% set list = content.createList("some_value") %> <% list.setParam "panel_stylesheet", "visibility: hidden; display: none;" %> <% do while list.nextPanel() %> <table> <tr><td>somestuff</td></tr> </table> <% loop %> <% input.nextTabbedPanel %> <% input.endTabbedPanel %> That's it. NOTE: that for the panel_stylesheet line the css needs to have ; at the end or this won't work.