To start off with do this: Dim txt Dim fieldStart, fieldEnd Dim xml Dim fields Dim ltxt Dim key Dim value txt = trim(content.item("_cmsEmailBody")) ltxt = lcase(txt) fieldStart = inStr(ltxt, "<root>") fieldEnd = inStr(ltxt, "</root>") if fieldStart >= fieldEnd then content.add "_cmsError", "Invalid email format. No XML data detected." exit Sub end if ' skip the end /root fieldEnd = fieldEnd + 6 set xml = system.createXML() if not xml.loadXML(mid(txt, fieldStart, fieldEnd)) then content.add "_cmsError", "Invalid XML format." exit Sub end if Now there are two ways to parse it. Method 1: set fields = xml.selectSingleNodeAsContent("root") Method 2: set fields = xml.selectSingleNodeAsDic("root") Check to make sure we have the root node: if not isObject(fields) then content.add "_cmsError", "Invalid xml format. Missing root /root node." exit Sub end if If Method 1 ...