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Showing posts from 2015

Laravel 5.1 - Posting and Retrieving JSON

This is how you can use jQuery to POST data and retrieve it within the controllers. To Send Data: First off on the page where you are POSTing data from, you need to have a CSRF_TOKEN as a meta tag. <meta name="csrf_token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}" /> Then in the JavaScript, pull the token and send it along with the POST as headers. <script type="text/javascript"> var CSRF_TOKEN = $('meta[name="csrf_token"]').attr('content');    var jsonData = "{ 'data' : 'data' }";   $.ajax({     url: '/route/path',         type: 'POST',     data: jsonData,     headers: {      'X-CSRF-TOKEN': CSRF_TOKEN     },        dataType: 'JSON',     success: function (data) { } }); </script> To Retrieve Data: Setup a post route in /app/Http/routes...

Laravel 5.1 - Step by step instructions for setting up default authentication

Create a Database in MySQL 1. Login to MySQL 2. Run the command to create a database for your application CREATE DATABASE database_name; 3. You'll probably also need to create a user to access the database CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_password'; 4. Then you'll need to grant this user access to the database you created GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO 'username'@'localhost' ;  Configure Laravel Database Connection The DB configuration file is located at /config/database.php. You'll need to edit the following highlighted sections in this file with the values needed to connect to the database you've created from above. Configure Environment If you installed Laravel through Composer, in the root of the Laravel install there is a hidden .env file which is automatically renamed from .env.example . If you didn't user Composer, you'll need to rename this file yourself. ...