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Showing posts from April, 2008

Tracking XML, Podcasts, etc... in WebTrends

Had a hard time finding anything in the Webtrends documentation on RSS and Podcasts tracking so I just gave them a call. Here's what they had to say about the matter: Affected Environments: Webtrends Analytics 8.x Question: How can podcasts be tracked with webtrends. Issue: A link to a podcast is generally an XML file pointing to the location of the download. Resolution: By implementing SDC, and putting a call to the dcs.gif file in the podcast Description (XML file) so that the DCSURI=PODCAST:/location, the podcast will put a hit in the SDC logs when it's downloaded. No modification to the js tag is necessary. DCSMultitrack is not necessary. Results will be seen in the Pages report. EXAMPLE: add the dcs.gif call IMG SRC ="