To do this you need to use the assetfilename.asp file. Then:
<% 'Place uploaded Poll Questions in the same folder as the
'DesignersPoll.asp file. Needed for Poll to work.
poll_question_live_path = "/poll/poll_questions/"
'Loop through right column items to look for Poll type
set right_col_list = content.createList("right_col_type")
do while right_col_list.nextEntry()
if right_col_list.item("right_col_type") = "poll" then
'Check if the current uploaded asset being processed matches and update publishing path
if instr(right_col_list.item("poll_xml"), content.item("_cmsRemoteFileName")) > 0 then
content.add "_cmsPublishPath", poll_question_live_path&content.item("_cmsRemoteFileName")
exit do
end if
end if