' make sure WYSIWYG images don't get too wide using upload.asp
value = content.item("_cmsUploadValue")
' create a medium size thumbnail
if ext="gif" or ext="jpg" then
res = image.thumbnail(value, "", 20, 20)
if res = "" then
content.add "_cmsError", image.errorMsg
exit Sub
end if
content.add "upload#my_photo", res
end if
Then in the post_input.asp we would have the code that would be used to
create thumbnails from images that are linked:
value = asset.getAbsoluteName(content.item("my_photo"))
'Process only if selected asset has been uploaded to the /Assets/
folder in the CMS
if instr(value, "/Assets/") > 0 then
value = "/ChemicalHeritage/ftproot" & value
ih = image.load(value)
if ih <0 then
content.add "_cmsError", image.errorMsg
exit Sub
end if
image.scale ih, 20, 20, 1
image.setQuality 1
content.add "upload#my_photo", image.saveAsAttachment(ih,
content.item("_cmsId"), "_thumbnail")
end if
' make sure WYSIWYG images don't get too wide using upload.asp
value = content.item("_cmsUploadValue")
' create a medium size thumbnail
if ext="gif" or ext="jpg" then
res = image.thumbnail(value, "", 20, 20)
if res = "" then
content.add "_cmsError", image.errorMsg
exit Sub
end if
content.add "upload#my_photo", res
end if
Then in the post_input.asp we would have the code that would be used to
create thumbnails from images that are linked:
value = asset.getAbsoluteName(content.item("my_photo"))
'Process only if selected asset has been uploaded to the /Assets/
folder in the CMS
if instr(value, "/Assets/") > 0 then
value = "/ChemicalHeritage/ftproot" & value
ih = image.load(value)
if ih <0 then
content.add "_cmsError", image.errorMsg
exit Sub
end if
image.scale ih, 20, 20, 1
image.setQuality 1
content.add "upload#my_photo", image.saveAsAttachment(ih,
content.item("_cmsId"), "_thumbnail")
end if