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Checking / Creating New Folders from an SMTP Import

To check if a folder exists in the CMS already you have to create a folder list.
There is no direct commands to do this.

dim folderExists
folderExists = false

set folderlist = asset.getFolderList("/path/")

'loop through folder list
do while folderlist.nextEntry()
if folderlist.item("_cmsLabel") = "foldername"
folderExists = true
exit do
end if

To create a folder in the CMS, first make a Model that only contains a folder.
Then do the following:

if folderExists = false then
'create folder
set dict = system.createDictionary()
fId = asset.create(folderName, "/Site/Global/Picture of the Week/", "/System/Models/Directory Builder", dict)
end if

The parameters for the asset.create("label", "Path", "Model to use", content or dictionary)


EdmunC209 said…
Update: Simpler method just use asset.getId("/folderPath/") i believe it returns 0 if it doesn't exist.

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