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Creating an Asset via Email i.e. SMTP Import

In order to create an SMTP Import, you first need to configure it within the CMS.

Goto: System -> Configure -> Import -> SMTP
Create the import: File -> New Email Import

Set it up with these settings:

Document User = CrownPeak Admin
Folder = Folder to create the asset in.
Model = Model that will be used to create the asset
Send Errors = Specifies what to do if errors occur.

It will give you a token that you need to use in the subject line of your email. It is also possible to use it in the body of the email but I have never tried it. Seems the subject line is more suited for this.

Next you need to setup the smtp_import.asp template file:

If this asset doesn't depend on the input being recieved, then you can just execute the following a couple of times to populate the asset:

content.add "fieldname", "value"

However if the asset does depend on the input being recieved perhaps to create an asset in a certain directory depending on the input, you can stop the creation of the asset using the following at the end of the file:

content.add "_cmsStop", true

You can then dynamically create the asset using:

asset.create("label", "in_folder", "use_model", content_fields)

set assetId = asset.create "label", "in_folder", "use_model", content_fields

Where content_fields is the current content object. Prior to calling this you would be doing a bunch of content.add "fieldname", "value". Notice that if you want the id of the asset created you must not include parenthesis for the function. It is weird like that.


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