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The Storage of Content / Uploads Within the CMS

Prior to publishing out an asset to either a live site or a stage site, assets store information within a database or on CrownPeak's local web server. Essentially, an asset only holds Key / Value pairs within the database and any documents or images that were uploaded from an input form gets stored on the CrownPeak's local web server (i.e. A0 - A8). Usually the keys are user defined within the input template and can be viewed by selecting an asset and going to View -> Properties -> Content.

Viewing the content, there are several things that probably should be pointed out.

Upload#user_defined_name:1 is probably a key in the database. The word Upload in the key specifies that the value for this key is probably a location to CrownPeaks local web server (i.e. the path to where the upload is stored.) When an upload is published out it gets copied from the local web server to the clients server.


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